Before starting this project, i had many thoughts about what kind of identity i would create at first. Many things ideas went thought my head, i could not decide if i wanted to create a female or a male as my identity. Then i bagen to think how what i would create, if a blogger of a Facebook or something else. By creating a Blogger, that wouldn't really be much fun bcuz all i would do is just blog about my day and interesting things that happened to the identity i created. I began to put more thought into this project after Professor Glenn told the class about it, before going to bed for 2 nights i began to brain storm of what to create. I wanted something that would have a good effect and that i would enjoy doing.
So suddenly 3 nights later, after putting much thought into it every night i had a epiphany!!! :) i thought about making a Facebook of a female, BUT i didn't just want to create just anyone that didn't exist. I had a feeling that not many people would add me or would want to know about me. Because if i had a Facebook im pretty sure that i would add anybody other than the people and friends i know on a personal level.
The Idea!!!
After 3 nights of putting in so much thought i decided to create a Facebook account of a person who does exists and who does have friend on Facebook, but that currently doesn't and has never have an account on FB. I wanted to do this because i would actually have friends adding me but that knew this identity, i wanted to pick someone that existed because i also waned to relate to people and talk to them. I chose a female that is pretty, much taller and outgoing, something that i dont have and wish i could. But that is just not my personality and i know as hard as i try i wont ever be that way.

She is average hight, out going with a boyfriend and cute hair. :)
She is currently going to school and working on her Doctorate for a psychologist.
She is 25 years old, and is currently going thru finals and stressful times.
She lives with her parents
She is also a very social person, loves to go out and meet new people,
The Experience
After working on this project for a few days i began to like it, more and more people started adding me and they would as about life and school and other things. At first i didn't know what to post on my wall, then i started to post things about school and how stressed i was with finals, (wish in a sense it was true i was stressed nut i was putting it under someone else's identity). People would comment and like the post.
Stress !!!!!!
I began to realize that i started to logg on to Sharlenes FB more than my own!!. the main reason was because, i knew that people knew who this person was, but they had no idea who was at the end of the computer posting things and replying. In a sense i felt like i to be and do whatever i wanted because i would be judged as Nancy i would be judged as Sharlene my other identity.
Friends would show some love on my wall sometimes, i liked it because i could say what i wanted and not be embarrassed its like i was living a second life but im mysterious and no one knows me. At least exactly who i am. heehehhe i felt so sneaky but i liked that idea of all of this.
After posting things on my wall for about 2 weeks, i liked doing it and talking to people with out having to worry that they would judge me in anyways because in reality they didn't really know who was in the other side of the computer. I like having this second identity and be able to choose if i want to m=be myself or be someone else for a while.
This was my favorite project i did for this class. It did take sometime to do everything and also to communicate with people and talk to them. My favorite thing about this was you can do or say whatever you wanted and at the end of the day you wouldn't be judged and if you did you wouldn't care because its another identity that is being judged. It was a nice feeling pretending you had something bigger going for me, for example that i was working on my Doctorate. and that i also drove a nice car.
One of the main things that i thought was kind of scary about all of this, is you never know if the person you are talking to on the other side of the computer is really who they are saying they are. At first i felt guilty about lying but then i liked it and it didnt bother me. But im sure if the people that i was taliking to found out they would probably be upset. Over all this experiance and this class was pretty exciting and fun i enjoyied attending class and listening to our prefessors lectures and talks during class, but what i loved the most was out pot-locks, those where always fun and enjoyable :)
Thank you for every thing Professor Glenn :)