Leonardo was born on April 15th, 1452 in a small town near Florence, Italy. An Italian Painter, draftsman, sculptor, architect and engineer and one of the most talented person alive. His family was very wealthy, they all then moved to the city of Florence where Leonardo received the best education that Italy could offer. He advanced quickly intellectually and socially. By 1472 he was entered in the painters guild of Florence, more people began to know about him and his art. In 1478 Leonardo became an independent mater. His first large painting was called the-
"Adoration Of the Magi"
His paintings Last Supper && Mona Lisa are the most popular and influential paintings of the Renaissance. Leonardo was extremely talented and very creative. He applied creativity to everything he painted this is how he became successful and his paintings were so amazing in every way.
A little bit about his families background- His parents were not married at the time of is birth. His father was a notary and landlord and his mother was a young peasant woman who shortly after married an artisan. Leo mostly grew up with his father family where he was treated like a legitimate son, thats where he also received the everyday elementary school education. Leonardo died on May 2, 1519 of natural causes. His paintings are well known he was one of the best painters.
Also, Leonardo was 14 years old when he began to get trained by Verrocchio. Verrocchio trained Leonardo countless skills of traditional workshops not only drawing and painting but also drafting, chemistry metallurgy, metal working, plaster casing, leather working, mechanics and carpentry.
"When Leonardo was a young apprentice in Florance, he spent all of his spare time drawing. Often, he went to the zoo and drew the animals there. Take a trio to the zoo to sketch the animals or draw your pet at home".
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso was born on October, 1881 in Malaga, Spain. His father was a painter and a professor of art at the School of Crafts and the curator of a local museum. Picasso began to pick up all the basic things from his father he also attended the Academy of Arts in Madrid, but he dropped out with in a year of joining it.
He made his first trip to Paris in 1900 and loved the city dearly. Picasso worked at night and his room mate worked during the day. They were going through hard times that at one point Picasso had to burn many of his pantings to keep himself warm.

Also, Spanish painter and sculptor considered the greatest artist of the 20th century. He was unique as an inventor of forms, also had different styles and techniques, as a master of various media, and as one of the most prolific artists in history. He created more than 20,000 paintings. Picasso began painting at the age of 10 && he made his first paintings, and at 15 he performed brilliantly on the entrance examinations to Barcelona's School of Fine Arts.
Cindy Sherman
Cindy Sherman was born in January 19, 1954, in Glen Ridge, New Jersey. After Sherman's birth her family moved to Huntington, Long Island. Sherman became interested in the visual arts at Buffalo State College, where she began painting. Sherman realized that all she was doing was copying someone's else painting and later she started thinking of using a camera and put some time into and idea. Throughout college she spent the rest of her career focused in photography. Although Sherman failed a photography class her freshman year in college, she took the class again with a professor named Barbara Jo Revelle, she introduced Sherman to conceptual art and other contemporary forms.While Sherman was in college, she met Robert Longo who encouraged her to record her process of dressing up for parties and more.When Sherman graduated from college, she decided to move to New York to start her new career in art. Sherman began taking photographs of herself, these photographs became known as the Untitled Film Stills, the most recognized photographs of Sherman's career. Sherman shoots pictures alone in her studio, assuming multiple roles as author, director, make-up artist, hairstylist, mistress and model. She uses different costumes and make-up to transform her identity for each image. Sherman does not consider her work feminist. I will display some of Sherma's photographs.
Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh was born on March 30th, 1853 in the Netherlands. Important to note that Vincent's brother Theo was born four years later, as he would become a prominent figure in Vincent's life. Vincent's first exposure to the art world was when he worked at the Hague gallery of the French art, which had been established by his uncle Vincent. His brother Theo also worked for the same company. After working for the art dealers, Vincent took the job of assistant teacher, and tough in a boarding school in England, but this was short lived and his obsession with evangelical Christianity made him want to become a clergyman like his father, so he tried to enroll in a theology school, but was didnt make it in.
This painting called The Starry Night is one of my favorite paintings since i was young. When i look at this image it reminds me of all the times ive been to Mexico and i go outside and i can see the entire village under me. The sky has the same color as the painting light blue with some dark blue, the bright yellow stars illuminating through the clouds. The moon is so big and bright it looks like the plante Mars right in front of our eyes. This painting even make me think of a particular smell of when im in Mexico, the smell of burning fresh wood. I like staring at this painting when i miss my country. :)
THE END. <33
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