Friday, September 23, 2011

Performance Art Lecture

This lecture was mostly about different artist and a little about their background.  We also talked about, what is art ? && what makes a good artist. It was discussed that being a good artist you must have a good gallerie where you could display the wonderful art work that you've painted. Also, having a fan base is important, people that can buy your art work and are willing to pay for it, this brings money in and you could succeed even more by being able to paint more painting and selling them or displaying them and letting them be seen. This leads to power, you can obtain power by being in demand with the painting and art work you are creating. Lastly being creative and having a imagination is going to help developing wonder pieces of art work.

Glenn also touched on an Artis by the name of Marina Abramovic:

I have never heard about this artis till Tuesday night. I then went home after class and i began to research more about her. I then found out that she is an abstract artis and an artist the performs. Marina performances aren't like any other type, she often involves putting herself in great danger and performing, harmful routines that result in her being cut or sometimes even burnt. 

I honestly think she is a interesting artist, but i dont think it is safe what she does but if she loves it and thats art to her then so be it. :)

Quote -  "When I am performing a piece, anything that happens in that moment is part of the piece."

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