Monday, October 10, 2011

Art @ Cypress College

This past lecture was probably one of my favorite class time/lecture by far. Professor Glenn had us pick a group of 3 people for this particular project. We then walked towards the pond of cypress and he gave each group tape. Each group had to walk around the area and look for objects or a area the represented art and come up with a reason of why it relates to us or anything in anyway. After each group found the object we would then have to put a triangle of tape on it. After all groups were done, went to each groups piece of art and we described what it meant to them and why they chose that particular area or thing. Next, i will display 3 of my favorite art pieces that other groups presented and i will explain what they meant to these groups.

The Pond 
This is our pond at Cypress College. I liked this piece because the tape that is going across the image and warping around the palm trees are guides, kinda like looking at a canvas that is captivating the live fountain. This imaged looked amazing in person and especially because it was at night. The light of the water fountain reflecting on to the pond and also the lighting around it and the lighting from the library. The green fluffy grass around everything made it look even more relaxing and the students walking in the background made it look as if we were looking at a live canvas. This piece is full of life, relaxation and beauty.

The Abstract Tree

 This piece was another one of my favorites. The group called it The Tree. This tree symbolized life, the rocks on the wood are like humans. The way the are placed also symbolize us and how sometimes we have to change and do different things to get to where we want to be. For example, the rock at the top of the tree is someone that has reached every goal in life and is successful, the other rocks are on the branches are on their way up the tree alternating and moving around to get to where they want to be. The little pebbles at the bottom symoblize all the young ones that are in the process of climbing to the top of the tree.


This was my 3rd favorite, this represents a flower that is blooming and is full of life. This represents the students at Cypress College that are getting ready for the real world by taking the required classes and getting ready to bloom the day they graduate.

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